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1. first file carcols.dat you must remove "only for reading".

2.Find file carcols.dat, .../data/ 
(C:\program Files\Rockstar Games\Grand Theft Auto Vice City\data\carcols.dat)

3. file "carcols.dat", OPEN

4. for opening file enter choose from the list.

5.A set open like "Notepad" (textual document, TXT), and give OK.

6.Now already at last you can set open
   Now Find row "65,69,76 # 94 dark5 dark"

7.Open README.TXT, that have find near cars that have you are your self download.

8.lines in point 2) make copy. (like on pictures)

9. Readme.txt you can shut, give again carcols.dat, and below row "65,69,76 # 94 dark5 dark" Paste in it what you are you copy from README
Act with about this: (add below, paste)
111, 230, 2# 95 1000Lime lime 
225,113,249 # 96 1000pink pink 
0, 128, 255# 97 1000blue blue 
128, 0, 255# 98 1000lblue blue 
217,159,6 # 99 1000yellow yellow 
22, 40, 90 # 100 1000darkblue dblue
204,204,204 # 101 1000metal metal 
22,40,90 # 102 1000darkblue dblue 
231,235,244 # 103 1000white white 
41, 50, 202 # 104AVEBEENCRACKED 
255, 128, 0 # 105 1000orange orange 
162,140,9 # 106 1000Gold gold 
10,86,59 # 107 1000BRG Green 
254, 235, 1 # 108 1000yellow yellow

10. Now carcols.dat SAVE, and quit.


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